the tinopener's music

the tinopener's art: Touch me

Cover: touchme
Touch me
mp3 128kbps 5 MB 5:48 
Melancholischer Song an der Nahtstelle zwischen Wasser und Luft, Traum und Realität.
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in the river              standing still
can you give her          what you feel

will you tell her         will she hear you
will she figure           will it be new

under water               in the still
hold your thoughts now    hold your will

breathing's different     light's unusual
why you've come here      is this crucial?

touch me now

and all your life         you waited for her
to make you alive         to come to this place

to cover your body        to touch your face
to smooth your feelings   down here this place

in the river              all is still
rising higher             spreads your will

floating body             swims away
blur the limits           of night and day

in the river              she will see
mirror faces              set not free

touches the waves         she can look through
water caves               now she finds you

and all your life         you waited for her
to make you alive         to come to this place

to cover your body        to touch your face
to smooth your feelings   down here this place

saved me now